Room with a view – to the Tsarist era

This will be a somehow unusual post – well, it won’t even be a post, to be more precise, but a short recommendation.

I’ve just come across the Instagram account of Maxim, a Russian guy who takes photos of pre-revolutionary interiors and buildings in Saint-Petersburg.

The images are both breathtaking and heart-breaking. Breathtaking, because these houses are simply splendid – elegant, delicate and magnificent, even though most of them were mere residential buildings, flats and apartments of commoners and ordinary people, yet they look like a fairy-tale palace. If they look like this now, imagine how they had looked back then, not long after they were built.  And heart-breaking, because in most of the cases they are in a bad condition and seeing such treasures of the past becoming ruins and fading away makes me said and exasperated. Oh, if the houses we build nowadays were still such elegant and harmonious…

You can found the Instagram account here:
And Max also has a VK page (VK is the “Russian Facebook”) which you can visit here:



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