Role Models
Hy, guys!
I wanna dream about the future, live life to the full at present and remember to past.

Do you know this saying, that "Would that little girl (you) like who you have became?"
I wondered whether my little myself would appreciate the "new me" or not, and I found out, that I have no idea! I forgot to see the world with those eyes... And this is a bad thing. Because back then I knew what's wrong and what's right, but not anymore. I have lost my sound judgement, I forgot many of my dreams and I scarcely that happy I used to be when I was that young. Of course I developed too during the past ten or twelve years, but I would be really beholden if sometimes I could ask the little me, whether something is right or not in her eyes. Oh, and I have lost my sincerity too.
Growing up wasn't that easy and I have to know, whether I managed it succesfully or not. So let me ask myself (I know it sounds wreid) - in order to get to know about what person I wanted to became - why did I chose Padmé Amidala?
My reason might be:
1, Because she's so femine and beautiful
Almost every little girl wants to be a princess in beautiful pink dresses with their shiny crowns :). And of course most of them wants to have blond hair. Oh, not every girl. Alla for instance liked the blue dress when we watched the Cinderella together a long, long time ago (we also quarelled about it XD).
2, She's respected
Everyone want to be respected, don't they? I believe they'd like to, but at least I wanted and I still want to. Maybe I don't want to became a politician or do something like Padmé did in the Star Wars, but I believe I can find my own way to achieve my aim.
3, She's strong
Not stronger than the jedis, I didn't mean that she's strong physically. If you have seen the Star Wars I think you know what I mean.
4, Owing to she's gentle
Little girls don't like scary things, they already have lot of things to be afraid of. Furthermore a gentle person makes you feel safer ^-^.
5, She has Anakin
Yeah, that point is important too, because it show how people approach her. He's cherish her so much (adorable....). I want someone to cherish me similarly the way Anakin cherish her. So I have to become someone like her to get someone like Anakin, haven't I? It's logical, isn't it?
6, She's self-confident
Self-confident people always attractive (I don't mean that way, do not misunderstand) because they make you feel more comfortable in this crazy world.
7, She achieve what she wants
She do what she think is right. So she don't have anything to regret. Or it seems to.
8, She's thicking to her guns
It's like this. I can't really say anything else. She saw through Palpatin, she spoke against him without fear, beacuse in that situation that was the right thing to the. Speaking of, she's brave too.
I think that's enough, she's a person, she has her mistakes too.
If you ask me, or I ask myself; did I became someone like her, I'd have to say, that I not yet. I still have a long way to go - I admit, that there was a long period of time, when I forgot about everything; what I wanted to achieve, who I wanted to become, or how I planned to live my percious life, I just lived day to day (I don't know the exact reason for it), but that time of perioed ended, and I'm making a lot of progress now - and I will be a person I be can proud of.
In the end - if you ask me - she's much more better - now you can hate me, you can stop reading in this instatnt, etc. - than Bella Swan and the other primadonnas in the brand new moveis. They irritate me a lot....
They are hysterical, good-for-nothing, gammy and so on. Who would want to be someone like them? In my opinion those books like Twillight got really famous because guys love them despite the fact that they are such a losers. Everybody says that "Every people have the right to be loved unconditionally" and actually this is false. Why would we? What have we done to recieve such a pleasure? As humanity we haven't done anything at all! Get real, OMG! If you keep saying this to yourself, you will feeling tricked, and you will end up dealing with your anger and not with your love problems! Yeah, I admit that it sounds lovely when you read it, but live is not a romantic book! That people shouldn't be anybody's role model, OMG, I' going crazy!
(I'm not trying to convience you to choose Padmé as your role model, I'm just saying you have to be careful who you are going to choose, or maybe you should rethink who have been chosen by you.)
My mood: I got a little annoyed in the end I think.... Where's my self-control? I lost it... O.o Where could it be?
The music I'm currently listening to: Star War's theme
And here's an other music I recommend, I have been listening to this from days: Christina Perri - The Lonely
And no, bet what will I do :D! So, what do you think? You dont know? X'D
Then let me tell you, I WILL BE WATCHING STAR WARS!
And Anakin is really damn hot *__* :D.
Bye, bye everyone,
Cecile, who did the csiribiri
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