Program ideas for winter

Hy, guys!

I looked out of the window this morning and I felt really excited, because it was snowing! And I knew that winter finally came! I felt a little sorry too, because there isn't enough snow to make me look for our sleight and take my little sis for a ride, but there are lot more other thing to do id the period of the year.
What would they be?
Here comes my ideas:
1, Ice skating
2, Watching films from the bed in the evening
3, Visit the fair in your town, and make sure not to miss out the mulled wine
4, Sleepover
5, Sightseeing
- in your hometown too. In this time of the year cities are beautifully floodlit :3
- take some tea (or money X'D) with to, it's fantastic to drink warm tea, when it's cold
6, Cooking
- cook gingerbread or you can make a gingerbread house out of it
7, Take your time and have a relaxing bath
- at times like this you have to relieve stress, and relax as much as you can
8, Family activities
- it's holiday, all of the family members supposed to be at home, use this opportunity and create good memories
9, Read the books that you wanted to, but didn't, when the weather was better and you was out with friends.
The music I was listening to while I composed this: DBSK - Darkness Eyes
Mood: a little dissatisfied, because I should be doing the mentinoned things, not writing about them....
 Bye, bye little readers,
          Cecile, who did the csiribiri


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