Weekly cosmetology no.4 - Exercise

Hy guys!

It's been a long time I have written to you, haven't it? These days I'm not really in the mood to do anything, what is weird, because I achieved a lot of things, but I can't help being depressed. Everything upsets me, my family members' behaviour, my worsening choices to get in a good university, etc. I had enough. These times I'm the happiest when my friends call me in the morning, not to forget something, when they buy me chocolate, because they know, how much I hate Sunday mornings when I have to wake up incredibly early and attend to my dance lessons. I love them, they are the best! :)

Anyway, my dear readers, did you know that beauty isn't just face, hair, eyes and body? They say beauty is attitude itself. Consequently, you have to feel comfortable, and you have to be satisfied with yourself to be beautiful.
There's exercise I have been doing for about a month and all I can say, that it's incredibly useful. As for me, it improves my body shape, it gives me impetus and I find it easily to catch the bus, to arrive at the end of the steps. In addition, it reduces stress, what is a genuine pleasure. It helps me to concentrate better, and to stay calm even when it's really hard. I'm really are grateful because before I find it, I hadn't thought that something was missing from my life, but now I feel lot better. Maybe it feels like I'm a little closer to live full life, whether it's possible or not. In my opinion there's no such thing like "impossible", just something what is hard to implement.
I do it before every shower in the afternoon, or in the mornings, as they recommended, because in this way it will easily become a habit.
The exercise itself:

1, 50 jumping jacks

2, 5 pushups

3, 20 crunches

4,  20 mountain climbers

5, 30 second planks

And that's it! I'd like to point out, that I wasn't the one who thought this up, I just tried it out, and I'd like to recommend it to you. But that's all. Lot of thanks to the person whose idea this is. It takes me about ten minutes to execute this exercise, I use to listen to David Guetta, Jennifer Lopez, or something like this. Pop music <3. It's easily done to the rhythm.
I also recommend you this page - I just found it, and it's impressive! You click on the part of the body you wanna work on, and it offers you a thousand possibilities to chose from. I quite like it :3. Try out! :D
I think I should go now and go do my highly recommend exercise (the first one), it's getting late.
The music I listened to: Adam Lambert - Chokehold
My mood: not depressed, but disappointed, I think.
Bye my non exist readers and stay tuned for my following weekly cosmetology, because even I don't know, what it's going to be about!
And not at least, happy Second Sunday of Advent :)!
          Cecile, who did the csiribiri.


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