About the Hungarian society
It is said that the Hungarians have a traditional approach
to family, and though in the recent times a change can be noticed, this change
hasn’t affected the roots of the social structure yet. What does the
„traditional approach” mean? Children live with their parents for a long time,
sometimes even in their late 20s (but another reason for this, of course, is
the financial situation). The family relations and relationships within the kinship
are usually quite strong – for example, I grow up in a very large family, and
despite the fact that my extended family members aren’t present in my everyday
life, they help me without any words when I am in need, and once or twice in
every year we have a „family meeting”, where 20, 30, 40 family members gather.
This family-orientation is visible in the situation when you meet your acquaintance
after a long time – usually the third or the fourth question is „and how is
everbody?” (meaning the family members) or „and how is your family?” We
consider it polite to ask about the family.
In accordance with this, the elders and the parents traditionally have great respect. „You shall respect your father and mother, and you will have a long life” – says the proverb. Again, there are changes in this mentality, but the children are still taught that they should give their seats to the elders on the public transport, that they have to help the old ladies with heavy bags and that they shall give way to them at the door. And there is even a different, more polite speech level used when speaking to elder people. Furthermore, in the past children used the formal speech to their parents and sometimes – when the age gap was significant – even to their elder siblings.
Marriage and the institution of marriage is another big
question regarding the society. It is true that more divorces take place and
there are more people who are living as unmarried partners instead of spouses,
but I would say that marriage is slowly becoming another „private matter” too –
one can believe in its holiness or not, it is up to him/her.
by Alla
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