The race to our death - part 1
Mistakes we make
According to Alla, from our viewership position there is a great view to the frog's butt (referring to a hungarian quote: under the frog' s butt, meaning that it's nowhere).Well, that's may be true, but it doesn't change the fact, that I have no idea what to write about. Yet.
These days you can nearly find everything on the internet on any possible topic. Fan pages, tutorial videos, DIY ideas, pictures to be shared, pages where you can ask everything with no worries at all.

I don't know if there is something that interest people and it hasn't been uploaded to the net yet, but I know, what they are not interested in; long texts.
Why? Because we are living a fast lifestyle. Patience is already out of fashion. We' re looking for the fastest way to learn, to travel, to eat. What for?
Nobody knows.
I see a lot of people surround me, who wants to acheive something (for instance: a boyfriend, a fashionable house, wants to give birth a child) at a certain age.
Then when they have achieved what they dreamt about, they wants to go back. These wants to be teenagers again, they wants to be young and free, with a beautiful future waiting for them.
This way we are only run to our death.
I'm a 19 years of age, and this is how I see a lot of people expecially in their 30s' and 40s'.
It's okay to have a clear aim in your mind.
It's okay, to do your best, to achieve it.
But please, don't postpone everything, don't let wonderful chances pass by you just because it wasn't planned in advance, because by that, you won't make a move further to your aim.
And while you're on your way towards your goals, don't forget to enjoy life, because at the end what will matter is not only what you've achieved, but how was it.
To be continued - People in Love
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