
Today I woke up with North Korea. My mother used to listen the radio while preparing breakfast, and when I went out to eat, it was news-time. „North Korea successfully launched the Unha 3 racket.” Hööö? I was shocked.

           My first thought was „oh my God, I hope there will be no problems and my friends in South Korea are okay”. And the second was „how will this case affect the presidental election in the South?” At the end of December the South Koreans will have presidental elections: there are two candidates, the liberal Moon and the conservative Pak. Traditionally the liberals support unification (the two inter-Korean meatings were under the rule of the liberal party), while the conservatives want a more strict policy with the North. I don’t know how the Koreans feel about this issue – should they become more friendly with the Kim Jongun-regime or should they make other sanctions.

            Another topic, but related to the two Koreas. After the Olympic Games held in 1988, Seoul, Hungary was the first socialist country which started diplomatic relations with South Korea (you know, during the Soviet era, all socialist country had to support North Korea and we were „brothers” and had to send aids to the North after the Korean War). However, the North Korean ambassador to Hungary at that time, in 1988, was no other than Kim Pyongil – the son of Kim Ilsong and half-brother of Kim Jongil. Imagine the reaction of the North…

*edit: Oh, and I forgot to mention the date! 12 / 12 / 12. North Korea can do the timing.

by Alla


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