Tea for health care

Hy world!

I don't know what the weather like where my non-exist readers live, but here, where I live, it's getting more and colder. So, as we head towards chillier weather, it's time to think about building up those defences. One of the best chose is tea. But what kind of tea?


Let's see...
Rosehip tea:
Drink this to ward off, as well as fight colds, as it's packed with Vitamin C, Vitamin A, iron and magnesium. Kick start the immune system!
(Vitamin A is good for the eyes, skin, hair, bones, slows the process of ageing, and protect from the cancer. Vitamin C is good for the hair, immune, joint pain, gingival, tiredness, protect from illnesses).

Nettle tea:
Don't worry, nettle tea won't sting you! In fact, it's believed to purify the blood and serve as a natural diuretic. It's also thought to relieve headaches and dizziness, as well as symptoms caused by iron deficiency, and it may even reduce blood sugar, and heal eczema and rheumatism. Sweeten to taste with a little honey and sugar.

Chamomile tea:
Enjoy the mellow flavour and let those tensions go. Chamomile's calming and sedative, and will help you relax at the end of stressful days, as well as soothe coughs and bronchitis. It's also supposed to aid digestion after a meal, or if you have an inflammation in the mouth, use it to gargle. Steep well, that way won't miss out on any of those special healing powers.
Elderberry tea:
Those lovely flowers and berries are great for boosting your immune system  - particularly important when the chilly weather kicks in.It can also help to ease symptoms of cold and flu, since it contains plenty of Vitamin C and Vitamin A. Make sure to steep it for about five minutes.

Raspberry tea:
It's likely, that the first thing you'll think about when you hear "raspberry" is the delicious pieces of natur's candy that you get to spoil yourself with in the summer - but there's more to know about those sweet little fruits. Drink them as a tea, and benefit from all the vitamins and minerals they contain. Pregnant women like to drink it, because it's said to relax the pelvis muscles.

Ginger tea:
Here's one for getting rid of germs. Got an upset stomach? Apparently, ginger is supposed to help with nasty nausea and vomiting and aid digestion. Simmer a piece of ginger root for 10 to 15 minutes and it's ready. Caught a cold? Add some honey ad lemon juice to fight with the virus.

A lot of thanks to Budapest Funzine, my source :).
The "music" I currently listening to: Love Shuffle fanvid
(According to Alla's saying: I made a link farm :D! Hurrayyy! :3) 
Best wishes: 
                  Cecile, who did the csiribiri


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