The Shades of Grey

No, I am not writing about that book. I haven’t read it, and I will not read it, never, simply because I am not interested in that book at all. (And about the label, I don’t want to create a new label, because I get irritated from the linkfarm. I am sincerely sorry if I mislead somebody.) What I am going to write about is the colour of the world nowadays.

Air pollution, greenhouse effect, etc.? No, I do not mean these. It is simply the colour of the sky, the smell of the whole city, the colour of the coats every people used to wear, the feeling of the music I listen these days, the taste of my coffee with milk and without creamer. The world seems to be grey, but this is not a problem by all means. Sometimes it is good when everything is in it’s normal order and you live your ordinary life.

Even in this grey world there are light shades and dark shades, the happy and unhappy things happened with you, or with your family, friends and friends’ friends.

And what I would like to say? I don’t know. I just hope that there will be more light shades than dark, and that everybody has a world with vivid colours or an almost white grey one.

by Alla


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