Recovering tips for girls

Hy guys!

It's me again... Cecile.
To be honest, I had enough. Everything included the school, the friends - I can say, that the entire life- gives me hard time. Though I don't here because I want to tell you about my problems. Why should I? I would need somebody's understanding look, which I won't get from writing a post. I am here to share a way, how to recover when you are down. So, here comes my solution, but only for girls.
1. Do some exercise.
I recommend this, because you have to concentrate, not to hurt yourself. Do it till you feel tired. Do what you'd like, however make sure, that your entire body takes part in the exercise.
If you could, joga would be just great. Or gymnastic. Or something likes this.
2. Start with your hair
In this post, I'd like to introduce you to a full recovering. But I am just not able to think up a solution for everyone's psychical problems. With that one you have to deal with in your mind. I just try to recommend you a way, which makes it easier to fight with your own demons.
So start to comb your hair. It makes you scalp relaxed. First comb all of your hair to the right or to the left side of your head. Repeat the same to the forward and backward too. Then warm up olive oil - be careful, do not burn yourself with the too hot oil - and start to massage it to your scalp. Do it for about 5 minutes, then let it absorb. To facilitate the process - and make it more succesful - place a plastic bag on your hair, and cover it with a towel. Wash your hands carefully, make sure it's not oily!

3. Take care of your skin
Scrub peeling on your skin in circular motions, to get a better result. Wash it off, and fill a large pot with hot water and place on the stove. Turn the burner on high, and wait for the water to boil. Remove the pot from the water, and put your face close to the steam. Take care not to burn yourself. Place a towel over your head from the back to keep the steam on your face. Stay like this for about ten minutes.
Mix 4 tsp baking soda with 1 cup mineral water. Apply the baking soda paste to your entire face, and let sit for 10 minutes. Rinse well with warm water to remove the paste.

4. Wash your hair
This time you shouldn't mix your shampoo with water. You have to use it concentrated to get rid of the oil. When you finished, toss the old coffee grands into your conditioner to make your hair extra shiny. rinse off with cold water, and in the end, dry your hair.
5. Take a bath
Go and take a bath or a shower. If it's possible, I'd recommend the bath. Pour in it bubble bath, use your favourite type of shower gel, listen to music, drink wine or read something good. Sing if you would like :). The get our, get something to eat, place yourself in a somewhere comfortable and enjoy your hobby, your favourite book, etc. You know.

6. Go to bed
When you are sure, that you are enough tired, not to think before fall asleep, go to bed, and sleep deeply and tight till the morning.

Next day go out and have fun, don't hide yourself at home.

This method helped me a lot. Maybe I am not myself today, but I hope, tomorrow I will be.
Now, that I finished with the article, maybe I should go and to what I recommend to you.
Woah, I think I didn't wrote that much at once in my entire life O.o
(To add, if you're after a break up, you should listen to the Second to none, by Chris Crocker. It's a bit plain-spoken, and yes, he is gay. That's it.)
Best wishes:
Cecile, the most stupid one


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