Why I like T.O.P.?

As I was watching Beautiful Hangover by Big Bang, I started to wonder why I love T.O.P. Love is not the proper word if I would like to describe what I feel for him – in fact it isn’t any kind of love, it’s more like attraction, admiration and respect. But why? I am not even a fan of Big Bang – I love some of their tracks, Beautiful Hangover, Monster and Tonight, for example, but only a few ones, and I don’t know many things about the members, I have never ever watched any reality or talk show with them and I don’t follow their life. But why is T.O.P. the only exception?

1. His voice
I think the main reason I started to love him is nothing but his voice. He has a beautiful, deep voice, which is very manly. It maybe sounds a little strange, but sometimes I feel that that nowadays the male K-pop singers aren’t man at all, or at least their voice is of a girl. Compared to them T.O.P. really seems to be a man. Even one of my male friends said that he loves T.O.P.’s voice. Whenever I feel upset, I listen one of his solo tracks – sometimes the singing part is false, but I really don’t care. He can make me calm and peaceful.

2. Rapping stuff
First I have to admit that I don’t love rappers nor rap songs. They are just not my style – I love the melody and the singing, and the rythm doesn’t really matter to me, and sometimes I find them aggressive. Sometimes I do love the rap parts in a song, but usually I just skip that part. After this intro it is a little controversial, that one of my forever-favorite songs is Turn it up. It is also the only rap song that I can listen from the very first accord to the last one. So we can say that T.O.P. is the only rapper in my life.

3. His manners and politeness
In the introduction part I stated that I don’t watch any Big Bang-shows. That is true, however, once I saw a talk show with Big Bang. The riporters asked him wether it is true that he speaks to the loved ones not in low speech level (banmal), but formally. He said it is true, and he explained that he feels he has to respect the ones he loves and cares for, and if he uses formal speech, he couldn’t say anything offensive them while arguing. I was thinking about it, and I think he is quite right. I wish there were more polite person like him.

4. His appearance
He is handsome. Dot.
If I want to be more specific, I would say that he is just not that typical Korean idol. Most of the Korean male singers are really girlish – I mean their voice, their face and their hairstyle, not their chocolate abs and overly masculine body. But although I have never seen T.O.P. without T-shirt, I still think that he is as masculine as Choi Siwon or anybody else.

5. And I like everything else about him. But this is a result of the previous points.

by Alla


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