Before my approaching holiday

Hy world!

Freak out: officially my holiday has started tomorrow, yet I'm depressed. Yep, you read right, dep-res-sed. How can somebody get derpessed on the first the of the holiday? WTF? Don't get scared guys, I didn't find out, that after all this year the Earth going to get destroyed. No. I just realized that all I can do during this holiday is learning. Moreover tomorrow I have to attend to a dance lesson, and right after that a math lesson. Sucks, huh? So what to do? Do you know what? My abracadabra is:

Yep! No matter what I am going to enjoy my holiday. Dot. That's all.Because this Monday there will be a brand new Gossip Girl episode. With Chuck. Chuck Bass, you are my sunshine :). Honestly, if I wouldn't do this blog stuff, I would have never recognise, that I get depressed that often. I'm kinda shockedX'D. Nevermind. I have found an awsome t-shirt, what I'd like to have. Take a look:
I admit, I only love the label of this shirt (oh, my god, the raindrops pinging on my windows... I love this sound, it's so comforting if you ask me*.*) so maybe I could do it. I just have to get a plain t-shirt, print the text I wanted to appear on it, cut the letters out of the paper, then place the sheet of paper on the t-shirt and in the end, do the drawing. In my opinion, I'd replace the "shoes" with fashion, the "diamonds" with friends or something like this. However you can make a totally different one. As you'd like. 
My current mood: f*ckin sleepy.
Have fun, in the future I will try to write about something else, not just Gossip Girl, depression, pointless things, and etc.
Bye guys,
                             Cecile, who did the csiribiri


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