I have nothing to say

Hy, world!

On this beautiful Saturday evening - feels like Sunday - here I am trying to copy Alla's professional blogger style... So, what should I write about? I have absolutely no idea. I'm imagining our non-exist readers, and I hear you sayin: „Don’t give a fuck, dude!”. Then what should you talk about, if you have nothing to say?

1. Common truth – Quotes
Just if you are bloggin, tweetin, or something like this. If you come up with this randomly in "real life"... That would be hilarious :D.
Yep, I admit, not too creative, but what to do?
If you ask me, this one is realistic. That's the most important part.

2. Say, what first comes to your mind
I mean, like, "I've been reading the Fifty Shades of Grey". Actually this one is true. Yeah, I have been reading that book, and I think, I have never read such a shocker before. Really. I admit, I have only read the first 30 pages. But, oh my God, this is boring! The guy is far too perfect, the girl is above lameness, and it's soooooo obvious, that they will end up together. I can't imagine why that book is so popular. Our society would be that perverse? O.o Never mind, sorry, if you love or like that book.
Back to the main topic, just say something. Anything, and it my turn out to be good. Or not. And if nothing comes to your mind... Oh, then it sucks, I think.

3. Sum up your day/weekend/etc.
Just if you are bloggin...
It's always a good thing to do. For yourself it's certainly is (that's what you do when you are asleep, but I'm not sure if it counts or not). And for the others too if you're not the “nothing-happened-to-me-since-ages” type. People wouldn’t be interested in "I-had-breakfast" or "I-combed-my-hear" topics. But music, foods, DIYs, ideas, dreams, books, films, fashion and a lot more do make them feel curious. So bring it on!

4. Stay silent and try to look cool
Maybe this one is the best for "real life". But not for bloggers.

Now, that I have been writing this entry for a while, I think I should stop here. I believe I gave enough information for myself, what to write about in the future. Thank you Cecile! Great job!
I think the non-exist you have already guessed, but I was Cecile.



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